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"The EMReC curriculum is a comprehensive set of study materials and review questions for the emergency medicine residency. Each module consists of 1 week of material. There are two rounds for each topic; Round 1 is designed for years 1-2 of residency, while Round 2 is designed for years 2-4 of residency. Residents may choose to complete the curriculum at their own pace and sequence, or program directors may choose to assign content in a specific sequence. Completion of this curriculum is designed to give the residents a thorough multi-modality review of the major topics in the Emergency Medicine Model Curriculum."- AccessMedicine
Availability is generally Monday-Friday excluding Federal Holidays 0800-1500
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Emergency Medicine PreTest® Self-Assessment and Review, 5e
Emergency Medicine Q&A: Pearls of Wisdom, 3e
First Aid for the® Emergency Medicine Boards, 3rd Edition
McGraw Hill Specialty Board Review: Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Examination and Board Review, 9e
McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review: Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Examination & Board Review, 2e