Learn how to navigate the changes to the search interface here:
Covidence is a tool designed to streamline the process of conducting a review such as: Systematic review, Meta-analysis or other detailed review for publication). Covidence allows at team of researchers to work together to screen results, complete data extraction and assess risk of bias.
Please contact the medical library if you would like to create an account and begin creating reviews.
What Does It Do?
While searching PubMed, Google Scholar, publisher pages, etc., a green icon will appear in the lower left hand of the screen that will direct you to the same article in our holdings, getting you around paywalls.
How To Get It
Download the LibKey Nomad Browser Extension on a home or personal device.
When prompted, Select BAMC Library, then use your OpenAthens account to authenticate remotely.
Request Interlibrary Loans
If we do not have access to the article you will come to a citation page on the left and a link to request interlibrary loan on the right. Articles requested this way take 1-5 business days to receive. Please use your .mil email address when requesting articles to speed up the process.
Happy Researching!
Availability is generally Monday-Friday excluding Federal Holidays 0800-1500
24/7 Access with Badge
0600-1600 Monday - Friday
Except Federal Holidays
Rm TA-101
Near the Garden Entrance.
Next to the Tropical Smoothie Café.